
What Our Clients Say


My knees bothered me for years, which I thought was an unavoidable part of aging and my work as an electrician. I was surprised to find that Saiyad’s acupuncture helped reduce my pain after every visit. Eventually, after only four visits, my pain was reduced by at least 60%.

Roger L.

I came to Saiyad complaining of frequent muscle cramps, especially in my calves at night, and increasing muscle tension in my back. After my problem was traced to poor absorption of Calcium and Magnesium and only two treatments, my cramps were eliminated and my mood was much better. Thank you so much!!


I came to Dr. Ahmad complaining of back pain that I had for 3 years as well as headache 3-4 times per week. Since I completed his treatment course, I am very much normal now and life looks much better without those health problems. Thank you very much..

Shivkiran Kavety


I suffered from chronic sinus congestion and occasional runny nose for several decades. I tried several types of treatments with no improvement. When I thought there was no more hope of improvement, a friend referred me to Saiyad Ahmad. I decided to give it one more shot and to my amazement, after only six NAET sessions my sinus problems and allergy symptoms were completely gone and have been gone ever since. Thank you for this amazing treatment!!

Betty Right

I came to Saiyad in a state of desperation having been to several doctors and specialists with no relief. I suffered from daily shooting pains, burning sensations and tingling in my sinus area, which all began after a sinus surgery I had. Although I was skeptical, the acupuncture treatments slowly helped, more and more with each visit, so much so that my previously intolerable pain was now very manageable. I wish I would have known about Saiyad a long time ago- it would have saved me thousands of dollars!

Alicia S

“I went to Dr Ahmad with an assortment of allergies, from itchy eyes to running nose, sneezing, coughing, you name it and I had it. It was a year round problem which would go away for while after taking anti histamines, but would come right back even stronger. Dr Ahmad’s treatment focused on the root cause and not the symptoms. It was amazing to see how my allergies disappeared after six to eight visits that included acupuncture and his unique therapy. His approach is novel and his techniques deliver results.”

Mohid Khan


Migraines bothered me for several years and were only getting worse- to the point that I was once hospitalized because of its severity. I went to Saiyad for consultation and he first did several tests to check exactly what factors were triggering them. Then he worked on each cause, one at a time, using a method called NAET with the result that I’m now migraine-free and only occasionally have minor headaches. I can’t thank you enough.

Tawania N

Severe headaches bothered me off and on for several years until they worsened to the point where I was having them almost daily. I came to Dr. Ahmad after visiting two other doctors and he determined that my headaches were due primarily to birth control pills, emotional stress and certain food additives. After quitting the birth control pills, receiving treatment for sensitivity to food additives, and trying to reduce my stress, I had a definite reduction in the frequency and severity of my headaches. I greatly appreciate Dr. Ahmad for determining the causes of my condition and helping improve my life.


I visited Dallas last year and my mother told me to consider seeing Saiyad Ahmad for my chronic headaches based on her positive experiences. I reluctantly gave it a try and to my surprise, after only two NAET treatments I woke up one day and did not have either a minor or major headache for the first time in about five years!! I couldn’t believe it!! It turns out that certain food intolerances, digestive problems, stress and smoking were taking their toll on my body. Saiyad helped me enormously during my short visit and when I returned home I continued acupuncture treatments with a local acupuncturist.



“I started treatments with Saiyad after having suffered from severe chronic fatigue for many years. I was also unable to put on weight as I had many difficulties absorbing certain kinds of food. After receiving NAET treatments, it greatly improved my overall health. Some specific improvements were.
1. Much more energy. Before, I didn’t have energy to do things and would tire easily. Now I can do things and don’t have to rest or nap nearly as much.
2. My appetite has normalized. Before, it seemed that I could never eat enough to get satisfied. Now I eat less but feel much more satisfied.
3. The variety of food I can eat without feeling distressed has greatly increased. Before, many foods would give me all kinds of digestive problems. Now, my whole digestive system seems much calmer and smoother.
4. Sinus drainage while eating has also greatly decreased. Sinus congestion at night has greatly decreased.
5. My ability to concentrate and study has greatly improved. My mind seems clearer much more of the time
For years, I’ve been praying for better health. I feel that God has used Saiyad to answer my prayers and restore much of my health. Wishing you success.

Tom Lieb

Saiyad Ahmad started treating me for symptoms of fibromyalgia in October, 2003. His acupuncture treatments have helped me to regain my strength and to be able to function reasonably pain-free. He has identified several foods, medicines, and environmental agents that I was sensitive to and reduced my allergies. I was unable to eat any milk products because of severe stomach discomfort and now I eat yogurt and ice cream all the time without worrying about any problems. When I was feeling achy all over and not wanting to move, an acupuncture treatment allowed me enough relief to clean my house and fix meals for my family. Saiyad was also able to identify prescription medicines I was unable to tolerate and then helped me to once again be able to take the ones that I needed to take.

Susan F.


Before I went to Dr. Ahmad, every time I ate a meal, my nose would start dripping. Now that Dr. Ahmad has been treating me for my previously unknown food allergies, I can sit down to a meal without having a tissue handy. What a joy. Thanks Dr. Ahmad for introducing me to NAET.

Beverly Jones

I just wanted to thank Saiyad Ahmad for curing my allergies to Yogurt and Acidophilus. Now I don’t have those severe sore throats that I used to get every time I was eating Yogurt. And he accomplished that in just a couple of treatments. Now, I am enjoying eating all kinds of wonderful yogurts. Truly it has been magical. Thank you so much!

Azam Syed

I used to suffer from chronic digestive problems like bloating, gas, indigestion and loose stools. Bell peppers, especially, used to give me violent diarrhea. Dr. Ahmad methodically treated all my food allergies, including bell peppers, so that now I can literally eat bell peppers and have no problems whatsoever. Thank you!

Sheri B.


I brought my two year old daughter to Saiyad because she had been suffering from eczema, off and on, for about a year and didn’t want to give such a young child steroids. With his NAET treatments, we were not only able to find out what was causing my daughter’s problem, but treat the causes. My daughter has been eczema-free now for the last 9 months. I can’t thank you enough!!


For over a year I suffered from periodic outbreaks of skin rash with severe itch. Initially I thought it was allergy to certain plants until I noticed I still had problems even when I avoided those plants. I came to Dr. Saiyad Ahmad and he was able to determine that both environmental factors as well as food allergies were causing my skin condition. After treating each factor with NAET I have now been completely free of skin itch for several months. Thank you so much.


I went to Dr. Ahmad for severe psoriasis that I had for a few years on my arms, hands and legs. After he worked on my allergies and stress and I drastically changed my diet and y outlook onlife, my skin condition continued to improve to the point that three months later, it had completely disappeared!!!. Several months later my skin remains completely clean!. Throughout the process Dr. Ahmad was very kind and considerate. I can’t thank him enough.



For a few years after turning forty, I suffered from progressively worse tiredness, cold feet, constipation, indigestion and mild weight gain. I tried to eat healthier, took natural herbs and vitamins but nothing seemed to help. Finally I heard about Dr. Saiyad and he did a full check-up to see what was causing my problems. It turned out my thyroid gland was very weak and I had several food intolerances. Saiyad started me on a wonderful, natural formula to support my thyroid and treated my food intolerances. Now I am feeling better than I have in years and have the energy to do the things I want to again. Saiyad was very kind and courteous throughout our meetings. Thank you for everything!!

Ana H.

After having a hysterectomy one year ago, my doctor tried to prescribe me several synthetic hormones that were “essential”. Fortunately, a friend referred me to Saiyad and I listened to some tapes regarding natural hormone replacement from Dr. John Lee. Saiyad checked my condition and gave me some natural hormone creams which gave me surprisingly quick relief. Ever since then I have been taking natural hormones and feeling great- all without any drugs. Thank you!


My mother had been taking prescription estrogen. After seeing Dr. Ahmad, she is no longer taking any prescription medicine and therefore not subject to any side effects. She also started taking whole-foods woman’s vitamins. Her stamina has increased by at least 25%. She no longer has hot flashes and feels much healthier.

Shahnaz Rajan


“I had been diagnosed with enlarged prostate several years ago. After trying several “natural” treatments like saw palmetto, pygeum and more without success I came to Saiyad. He was able to determine what was causing my problem and prescribed a formula that finally worked. Now I only rarely have the urgent and frequent urination that was so common before.”


I was diagnosed with prostatitis by my doctor but I responded very poorly to the antibiotics he gave me. He referred me to Dr. Ahmad and after taking two herbal formulas for a few weeks I was completely free of the infection and pain. He also gave me good suggestions to avoid recurring infections.

Martin C.


I turned to acupuncture when traditional medical approaches were not working for me. I struggled with infertility for two years with a thin endometrium being the problem. A thin endometrium is problematic because it leaves little space for a fertilized egg to implant itself and grow. Once the doctor diagnosed a thin endometrium, drugs were prescribed to correct the problem. The drugs didn’t work. I began my research of how to correct this problem when I began reading about acupuncture. Acupuncturists were tackling this problem with success. I contacted Dr. Saiyad Ahmad in hopes that he could help me. After a thorough intake process, he decided the best treatment for me and it worked!. The very first month my endometrium grew to a thickness that could easily support an embryo. After three months of treatment, successful conception and implantation occurred, confirmed by a positive pregnancy test! I am no longer skeptical about nontraditional approaches to health and well-being. I owe a great deal of gratitude to Dr. Ahmad Saiyad for his positive attitude, knowledge and skill of acupuncture. Thanks so much for everything.

Shauna Eishen


“I came to Saiyad Ahmad weighing 201 pounds and wanting to lose weight with a vengeance. He quickly found that one of the reasons for my weight gain was slow metabolism and food intolerances. After only 6 weeks of taking certain herbal supplements, getting treated for food intolerances, and modifying my diet, I lost 11 pounds. I look forward to making permanent changes to my lifestyle and losing more weight. Thanks!”

Martha P.

Several months after delivering my baby boy, I needed to lose additional weight to get back near my original weight. With Saiyad’s herbal remedies, acupuncture and diet changes, I was able to lose 12 pounds in 4 weeks.



I used to smoke about half a pack of cigarettes daily for the past 20 years when I went to see Saiyad. His acupuncture treatments (4 total) significantly reduced my craving for cigarettes and along with my will power, I was able to quit and have been smoke-free for the last seven months. Thanks!

Rick T.


I had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder after severely stressful events in my life and was prescribed certain prescription medications. I went to Dr. Ahmad because I didn’t feel right taking prescription medication. I was surprised to find that after five sessions not only did my whole state of mind change for the better, I was only rarely needing to take medicine. Thank you very much and I will tell my friends and family about you.


I took my teenage daughter to Dr. Ahmad after she started having anxiety attacks at school. He was very nice and considerate and she had four sessions with him. He also gave her suggestions on appropriate diet and nutrition. Now she only occasionally has such attacks and is doing better at school. Thank you!


I went to Green Crescent Clinic for anxiety attacks after my husband was hospitalized and almost died. The panic attacks were so often that I had to take Xanax every day. Dr. Ahmad did a few acupuncture and counseling sessions with me and now, several months later, I’m not taking any medicine and my husband is feeling much better!


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